The Weber-Energy®1: 1 Beamer is an ideal companion, wherever you may be.
While traveling, or working in the office, it helps defend you from harmful radiation while strengthening your energy field, allowing a harmonious flow of energy to pass through your body. Thanks to its specific waveforms it has a cancelling effect over the harmful electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, Wi-Fi networks, microwave, TV, terrestrial radiation and ground water.
The Beamer’s waveform creates a protective ring. It helps remove or alter radiation contamination while enhancing your body’s own energy field.
The Beamer Pendant harmonises the electromagnetic waves emitted by:
1. mobile phones
2. Electrical Pylons and towers / mobile phone transmitters
3. Wi-Fi networks
4. Microwave Ovens, TV sets
5. Air travel and high-speed train
6. Computers and EMF waves
7. Low level radioactive emissions
8. Terrestrial radiation and Contaminated ground water
The Weber-Energy® Beamer continuously captures the wavelength of life energy (orgone energy) around us. It amplifies and transmits it to those who are located within the area of its wave propagation. Its capacity is determined by the particular length and shape as well as from the vertical position and the material used.
The function of the Beamer can be likened to a magnifying glass: if properly positioned, the lens captures, amplifies and transmits the energy of the sun.
It is recommended by naturopaths, dowsers and experts in complementary medicine.